Wednesday 23 November 2011

Two months since Prolore

Two months since inception!

It's going to be almost 2 months since inception of Prolore Search Marketing Pvt. Ltd. come 4th of December and I'm beginning to find myself in the marsh land of doing business. Not that things are bad, but godd! So many things at time or rather everything at the same time that call for decision making which may have long term implications - I guess this is pressure working at it's best.

But, this is exactly what I wanted! Push my limits, break the wall and move ahead! thankfully, I have another business to sustain all the pressures and sickened cash flows of my new start-up.

The good news is that since the concept of being a PPC agency in Bangalore is new to the local market, Google India got in touch to help me work on new client wins in the Indian market! So, this gives Prolore a chance to provide all of it's potential new clients with off the market Google Adwords Vouchers.

I almost can't stop thinking of what next steps are to be taken for Prolore even when I'm asleep!
Facebook is no more the first thing in the morning for me now, it's checking my work e-mails! (I love it!)

If any of you know of the marketing heads of any Small & Meduim Enterprises in Bangalore who would be interested in advertising on Google with ROI in mind, please do feel free to contact me on my work e-mail -

Thanks! Now, gotta rush for a meeting, will try and write more in the next post! Promise! :)


Saturday 17 September 2011

Lame Reasons! Search Marketing?!

Right, after about a year and 8months I get a chance to be e-active on this blog of mine! I'll agree that am a poor blogger.. but many who know me wouldn't say I was being e-inactive.

Mostly because of my sometimes random facebook status updates or some tweets my friends start to get bombarded with that they don't always understand!

Apart from that, I love internet and can't imagine life without it! well, basically I make a living out of it.. so no complaints taken.

Search entices me, I sometimes wish for a search engine that could find me my lost favourite pen! But, the wonders of search for me are limited to the virtual world and I thoroughly enjoy it!

With a bold decision (i think!) to start a SEO/SEM agency in Bangalore called ProLore, I just can't afford to be e-inactive! The journey of learning when starting a new firm/company so far has probably been the best experience in my life. The kind of pressures and tasks to handle are so very challenging that I couldn't ask for any more drilling.

Why did I decide to start this agency?
Simply put, that's what I know and it is my passion! But strategically, there are very few specialistic SEM agencies in Bangalore and the opportunities are massive. Maybe not in the near future but on a long term, this would be something I wouldn't regret getting into even if I fail (hopefully not!)

I even declined many exciting job offers but won't deny that I almost was bought into one of them! Luckily, they wanted me to relocate and I wasn't willing to do that!

So, this has been my reason for blog-inactivity.
I'll call a start over again and try being more blog-active!

If I've bored you to death, sorry! and you're still alive!
Do check out the webite for Prolore Search Marketing, any feedback (good or bad) will be gladly accepted! :)