Saturday 17 September 2011

Lame Reasons! Search Marketing?!

Right, after about a year and 8months I get a chance to be e-active on this blog of mine! I'll agree that am a poor blogger.. but many who know me wouldn't say I was being e-inactive.

Mostly because of my sometimes random facebook status updates or some tweets my friends start to get bombarded with that they don't always understand!

Apart from that, I love internet and can't imagine life without it! well, basically I make a living out of it.. so no complaints taken.

Search entices me, I sometimes wish for a search engine that could find me my lost favourite pen! But, the wonders of search for me are limited to the virtual world and I thoroughly enjoy it!

With a bold decision (i think!) to start a SEO/SEM agency in Bangalore called ProLore, I just can't afford to be e-inactive! The journey of learning when starting a new firm/company so far has probably been the best experience in my life. The kind of pressures and tasks to handle are so very challenging that I couldn't ask for any more drilling.

Why did I decide to start this agency?
Simply put, that's what I know and it is my passion! But strategically, there are very few specialistic SEM agencies in Bangalore and the opportunities are massive. Maybe not in the near future but on a long term, this would be something I wouldn't regret getting into even if I fail (hopefully not!)

I even declined many exciting job offers but won't deny that I almost was bought into one of them! Luckily, they wanted me to relocate and I wasn't willing to do that!

So, this has been my reason for blog-inactivity.
I'll call a start over again and try being more blog-active!

If I've bored you to death, sorry! and you're still alive!
Do check out the webite for Prolore Search Marketing, any feedback (good or bad) will be gladly accepted! :)

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